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Incorporation of companies Warsaw

Assistance with company registration

People who plan to establish a company usually need professional help at every stage of its establishment. Ziobrowski Tax/Law, which operates in Warsaw, addresses its offer to prospective partners. We accompany our clients at every stage of creating a business entity in this form and help with the various formalities involved. The attorneys we employ have extensive, continuously updated knowledge and extensive professional experience. Thanks to their commitment to the matter, the procedure for establishing a business and registering companies is quick and efficient, based on current legislation.

Our law firm also assists entrepreneurs from Katowice in dealing with all the formalities related to the establishment of a company and partnership. We provide them with online advice. As part of the legal services we provide, we also handle the preparation of the necessary documentation, based on the information provided to us. We assume responsibility for the submission of prepared letters to the appropriate authorities. Our areas of expertise also include the preparation of contracts and internal regulations.

Assistance with company registration

Before a new business entity can be established, the legal form of its operations must first be decided. Clients can either do it on their own or get help from lawyers working in our office. We remain available to consumers for any questions or concerns. We provide them with expert advice and explain the differences between the different types of business entities run by shareholders.

Formal incorporation of companies by our Warsaw law firm begins with the preparation of all necessary documents. This primarily refers to the contract, on the basis of which internal relations in the company are established and the rules of operation of the business entity are determined. The aforementioned contract should always be developed individually, taking into account the specific needs and situation of the partners. The document, on pain of invalidity, must be signed in the presence of a notary public. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of our lawyers to register companies with the Social Security Administration, the Tax Office, the Register of Entrepreneurs and the Central Statistical Office.

Company formation in Warsaw

Our competencies also include legal services for companies in Katowice. Our law firm remains at the disposal of the city’s entrepreneurs, conducting online consultations for them whenever the need arises. We not only deal with the formalities of company registration. We also provide tax consulting services. We draft contracts and statutes. We assist in setting up a bank account. In addition, we represent shareholders at their meetings.

The time it takes to set up a company

It is worth being aware that the procedure for establishing a shareholder business without the involvement of a professional attorney can take up to six months. Including a lawyer in the case will significantly reduce this time. In the so-called. Ordinary mode, as a standard, all formalities are completed within 14 days. It is also possible to set up a company by our Warsaw law firm on an accelerated contract basis. The registration of a given business entity then takes up to 24 hours at most from the initiation of all related procedures.

Incorporation of a company – attorney’s fees

The fee for the services performed by our attorneys depends on various factors. One of them is the scope of the legal services provided to companies. When determining the price list, we take into account the actual contribution of our law firm to the establishment of companies in Katowice and other localities in the framework of online assistance offered to entrepreneurs. The complexity of the case in a given case also plays a very important role. The required fee can be paid in cash or by wire transfer.

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